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Aitchison, J. and Houghton, T. with Douglas, R. and Dlamini, M. 1999. University of Natal survey of adult basic education and training: Free State. Pietermaritzburg: Centre for Adult Education and Department of Adult and Community Education, University of Natal, ISBN 1-86840-301-7
Aitchison, J. and Houghton, T. with Douglas, R., Dlamini, M. and Stead, H. 1999. University of Natal survey of adult basic education and training: Western Cape. Pietermaritzburg: Centre for Adult Education and Department of Adult and Community Education, University of Natal, ISBN 1-86840-306-8
Aitchison, J. and Houghton, T. with Douglas, R., Dlamini, M. and Stead, H. 1999. University of Natal survey of adult basic education and training: North West. Pietermaritzburg: Centre for Adult Education and Department of Adult and Community Education, University of Natal, ISBN 1-86840-307-6
Aitchison, J. and Houghton, T. with Douglas, R., Dlamini, M. and Stead, H. 1999. University of Natal survey of adult basic education and training: Eastern Cape. Pietermaritzburg: Centre for Adult Education and Department of Adult and Community Education, University of Natal, ISBN 1-86840-309-2
Houghton, T. and Aitchison, J. with Douglas, R., Dlamini, M. and Stead, H. 1999. University of Natal survey of adult basic education and training: Northern Cape. Pietermaritzburg: Centre for Adult Education and Department of Adult and Community Education, University of Natal, ISBN 1-86840-302-5
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Houghton, T. and Aitchison, J. with Douglas, R., Dlamini, M. and Stead, H. 1999. University of Natal survey of adult basic education and training: Northern Province. Pietermaritzburg: Centre for Adult Education and Department of Adult and Community Education, University of Natal, ISBN 1-86840-362-9
Houghton, T. and Aitchison, J. with Baatjes, I., Seid, S. Douglas, R., Dlamini, M. and Stead, H. 1999. University of Natal survey of adult basic education and training: Mpumalanga. Pietermaritzburg: Centre for Adult Education and Department of Adult and Community Education, University of Natal, ISBN 1-86840-361-1
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