Research into Our Formal Courses

The Certificate in Education (Participatory Development) – CEPD

Researcher: Zamo Hlela

Zamo Hlela began a small document analysis research project using the 2008-2009 CAE certificate programme cohort after he had had the experience of facilitating, marking and reflecting on the African Centre for Childhood certificate programme in the service-learning module, and comparing it with his experience within the CAE certificate programme.

The key question for this research was: What development discourse do students bring into the programme and what development discourse do they take with them as they leave the programme after two years?

The primary sources of data were documents, presentations and reports produced by the students in the programme. Data was drawn from placement tests (an entry test written by students before they are accepted into the programme), student proposals (produced at the end of DIP 1) and student presentations and reflective reports (generated at the end of DIP 2 with the support of a supervisor and a mentor).

The study confirmed our belief that students coming into the programme are located within the needs-based approach and that when they leave the programme they are still located firmly within this discourse.

These findings have major implications for all involved, particularly in programme development and curriculum issues. Zamo presented these findings at the 37th Southern African Society of Educators (SASE) conference held in Limpopo in 2010 in a paper titled: Still touching the mirage: The case study of Development in Practice students in the Certificate programme.